Categories: Interview

Craig Passero Interview

I’m not going to lie, if you haven’t heard of Craig yet… you should be slapped. Craig has been impressing me with his web videos for the last two years or so, and his recent part in the AOTC was about the opposite of the Holocaust. Okay, I may have gone real far there but yeah. Craig kills it on a bike and definitely deserved this interview. Check out what he has to say, some photos, web videos, and then leave him some love in the comments!

Photo: Jeff

Craig Passero

Long Island NY, Boston MA during the school year

Long Island Bikes, OSS, Team Jeff DuPaul, Jim C. helps me out with Sunday.

Years riding:
8 with like a 2 year break do to lack of people to ride with.

What was it that first got you into BMX?
Any early memories come to mind? My brother. And shit dirt jumps come to mind
So lets just start it out and say it. You kill it on bikes. I’d imagine it came pretty natural for you, or is it just something that ended up working out after a few years of riding?
I don’t really know. I guess.
How are things going with your sponsors these days? Anything big between Long Island Bike Shop, and Sunday going on? Team trips, filming, or anything like that?
Kenny at LIB is the man. I’m not actually on Sunday but I talk to Jim all the time. So things are going good with that. A lot of OSS trips lately. You’ll hear about it soon enough. 

Do you have any new sponsor stuff coming up soon? I’d imagine with how you killed it in the AOTC video that you would have something going on.
Na. OSS was before AOTC but I can’t talk about it yet.
Speaking of that, how stoked are you on the AOTC video? Your part was the ender of the video and it was just nuts.
Thanks. I’m really siked on the video. It came out better then I could of hoped for.
Have you been filming for any other video parts or web edits? When can we expect to see some more out of you?
I’ve been filming for a DVD. It won’t be out till around winter. 

Do you think if you didn’t have Chris Z, CB Coombs, or Jeff DuPaul around so much that you would be getting the clips you are getting for all the past videos and everything?
I think my riding is better because of them. I love riding with Chris cause he definitely opened my eyes to new things. And Jeff and C.B. always throw out the craziest idea’s. Sometimes you’ll eventually try it.
I know you went out west not too long ago. Do you have any other big trips planned at all? Anywhere you want to go to?
Nothing big. I can’t travel during the school year witch sucks. But I would love to go to Canada, Cali and Texas
Since the east coast has about an infinite amount of spots, where are you usually found riding? If you had to pick your favorite spot, what would you say that is?
When I’m in Boston, mostly spots around Timeless. When I’m in LI, probably Glen Cove or Downtown Manhattan.
 Fav. Spot in Boston: Navy Yard. LI: the Bricks

Photo: Jody@Timeless BMX

Do you feel like having all the people you ride with around has pushed you to the level of riding that you are at?

Where did that nickname “Manboy” come from? Do you have any other nicknames?
When I was in like 6th grade I use to ride with people like 4 years older then me. My one friend started calling me it cause I kept up with everyone.
What do you think you would be doing if you never got into riding BMX?
Playing Baseball, or drinking and smoking everyday and probably wouldn’t be in School.
What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding bikes?
Just hanging out. probably trying to find a party and get smashed.
You seem to be pretty into Twitter. How do you feel about all that? What’s your link? (lol)
It’s something to put all my stupid thoughts. I don’t know its just something to do when im bored. I enjoy it.
Do you party much? What usually makes for a good night for you?
I try. In school I’m broke 90% of the time. Hopfully next year wont be like that. On Long Island I try to all weekend. A good night can be chilling with a few people at my house. Or going to a party with all my friends and just not giving a fuck.
Have you ever been arrested, in a fight, or anything crazy like that?
Nope. I don’t know how. I feel like me and my friends almost get into fights all the time but it never happens. I almost got arrested for shop lifting but I just ran.
Kill one, fuck one, marry one. Megan Fox, Miley Cyrus, Rosie O’Donnell?
Kill Rosie. Fuck Megan, Marry Miley
Do you spend much time on the computer? Any favorite sites?
I know you are pretty popular on The Come Up. I spend way to much time one the computer. The Come Up is defiantly my favorite site. Im to lazy to check all the BMX sites. Defgrip is always good to. Then it’s the Myspace and facebook
What kind of money would it take to get you into scooters and roller blades?
Would you ever fight a guy on roller blades?
It seems like BMXers have some pretty funny sex stories. Any stories you want to tell us? 
I fucked a girl in a tracker at a construction site. And on a roof. And in a public bathroom. May or may not of been involved in a tag team or 2. And gotten head in front of my friends numerous times.

Photo: Saunders
First song to come to mind? First movie to come to mind? Any reason for either?
Im on a Boat. Yes Man. Cause I watched it yesterday.
Who or what are your biggest influences in your life?
My brother and sister. And all my friends. And BMX. Id probably be a different person if I never rode.

What is BMX?
A bunch of dudes jerking off.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Kenny a@ LIB. Jim C. @ Sunday. Adam @ TheComeUp My family. Mike Scicutella, Alex Samide. My TJD Family. Fronco Leon. Adam S. Jody @ Timeless. Day Day for bringing the word MO into my life. Im probally forgetting so many people.
Anything else you want to say?

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