When it comes to BMX, it’s an ever revolving door of products that offer a number of different things from special features, unique geometry, different materials, different sizes all the way to interesting graphics and color combinations. We have seen trends come and go, innovative ideas that completely changed the game setting a new standard, ideas that were complete flops, some of those complete flops re-introduced years later and end up popular, ideas that were copied and replicated by multiple brands flooding the market and more. BMX frames have gone from 8 pound beasts to a more back friendly 5 pound range.
Looking back over the years, it’s really pretty crazy to think of all the different products that have come and gone. Some popular that riders were sad to see go, to products that we can only hope never make a comeback (stripped plastic seats anyone?). Although there have been a lot of changes, it’s pretty cool to see the products that have really stood the test of time with pretty minimal tweaks. If there’s one perfect example of a product that has stood the test of time, it would be Odyssey‘s Twisted PC pedals. Who would have thought something as simple as a plastic BMX pedal would come out so well, that it would become and remain popular for years. As some of you might know, Odyssey originally released the Twisted PC pedals back in 1997. You can learn all about that right here — Drawing Board: Odyssey Twisted PC Pedal. The pedals originally weren’t very popular because it was a time when metal pedals ruled the world, but eventually people started using them and plastic pedals became more common and they blew up in popularity. Other than some minor changes like the spindles, the plastic material for different colors or styles like clear plastic, there really hasn’t been too many changes. That is other than the different color options that we’ve seen over the years. Yesterday, Odyssey released their new Black Tie Dye color and it got us thinking about some of the different colors we’ve seen over the years, so we hopped on the old Google and did some searches to compile a bunch of the different pedals. Here’s what we came up with…
Black Tie Dye
White Tie Dye
Who remembers these? The color changing pedals. They were white, but would change into different colors with sunlight.
Speaking of color changing. The glow in the dark option was an interesting color option for the Twisted PC pedals.
These were a little more recent. The Aloha pedals used a floral wrap that was bound to make you want to go to Hawaii.
As we mentioned above, Odyssey had their clear Twisted PC pedals that required a slightly different type of plastic composite that allowed for it to be see through.
The clear pedals were also introduced in a number of see through colors. Above is a look at a few of the see through color options and below that is the “Fader” color that featured three different colors on one pedal.
The “Crackle” color of the pedals came in a few different colors with swirls of black mixed in to give it that interesting look.
There were the camouflage color pedals as well!
The metallic color. Plastic with the metal look. There were also available in a handful of colors.
The “Galaxy” pedals were interesting because they seriously set BMX on fire with the color. Odyssey released matching Monogram Tripod Seats that were available in a few different colors to go with these. Also, Madera released a “Celestial” colorway that matched for their hubs and stems, followed by their Celestial Protocal HT cranks that gave you a number of options to make your bike look out of this world.
So, that’s a look at just a handful of colors that the Odyssey Twisted PC pedals have come in over the years. We know there’s a ton of colors we have missed since they have been available in a number of solid colors, which you can see a few of in the embed below! We’re trying to remember if there were any crazy color options that we blanked on. If you can think of any, let us know in the comments!
What’s one color that has never been done, that you think would be really cool? Let us know in the comments as well!
What will be next from Odyssey as far as colors go? We’ll just have to wait and see…
Want to learn the history of these pedals? Check out this — Drawing Board: Odyssey Twisted PC Pedal

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