Here’s one for the jibby style street lovers out there. Hit play to watch David Schaller go to work on a bunch of spots over in Germany. David brings a good mix of tricks and puts all the spots he came across to good use! Hit play and take a look!
“Jib Beast! David Schaller proves that he’s more than “just” a filmmaker.
A filmmaker in jib mode! David Schaller proves in “Bad Karma”, aka his first own solo part ever, that he cuts a good figure not only behind but also in front of the camera. For the 21-year-old Nürnberglocal has during the shooting of the new video projects of Miguel Smajli (Shadow) and Felix Prangenberg (éclat), for which he is known to be responsible, even eingetütet some interesting clips. The result is a very successful video with a great vibe and lots of interesting jibs – and there are also two or three things that are definitely not in this category. So if you do not just want to get peppered with the toughest stunts all the time, but also like to watch something chilled, this is the place for you. Yeww!
Camera: Felix Prangenberg, Miguel Smajli, Arthur Artur, Tim Schoberth and Dennis Krause
Cut: David Schaller” – Freedom BMX