Dean Florian Breaking A Sweat At Germany’s Biggest BMX Park


It’s pretty wild how big and crazy some parks are getting these days! Here’s a fresh video featuring Dean Florian going to work on the huge bike park in Darmstadt over in Germany! Hit play to check out over 2 minutes of dialed riding and super clean film work!

Super stylish riding meets an extra high production value: Check out Dean Florian breaking a sweat in Germany’s biggest BMX Park must-see!

Morning exercise deluxe! Dean Florian massaged the Megabikepark in Darmstadt on two extremely hot mornings and was followed by Oscar Tepelmann with a drone. If you also like extra stylish park driving and a super good production, you’ve come to the right place. Because this edit is definitely not a standard product. Do not miss!

Camera, Edit & FPV Shots: Oscar Tepelmann
Camera & Sound Design: Dominik Hörmann” – Freedom BMX

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