
Demolition Parts have released Dennis Enarson’s new “CAPSLOCK” video and it is an absolute mind melter!

HERE IT IS! DENNIS ENARSON‘S “CAPSLOCK VIDEO FROM DEMOLITION PARTS HAS ARRIVED! After a year and a half of going to work on stacking clips, Dennis ended up with over five minutes of absolute banger clips from spots around Southern California. Dennis promoised this was his best video part in a long time and it’s safe to say he delivered. Everything from the riding to the spots and film work are absolute fire. If you only watch one BMX video today… Hell, this week… Make it this one! Absolute must see.

Dennis has been hard at work on his CAPS LOCK video for over a year and a half and always wanted to try to outdo his last Demolition Last Chance video part and went all in to do just that. Every single clip in this is a banger and he could have died on doing each one. Dennis brings tech, big gaps, grinds and air tricks to the next level on street.

Filmed: Mike Mastroni & Christian Rigal
Edited by: Christian Rigal
Music: Veesh
Graphics: Kelly Bolton
” – Demolition Parts

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