
Mike Fede hit us with a link to a video from a little DIY idea he had saw a rider do, and figured he would test out. If you have ever wanted to try plastic pegs, but you don’t want to spend the money… Here’s a cheap option that apparently works… Sort of. All you have to do is get some PVC pipe that fits over your peg snuggly, and you’re good to go. Take a look!

I feel like this should have been in Dustin Lee‘s cheap man’s Top 10 BMX Life Hacks video.

In today’s video we keep the plastic theme going from the last video with plastic tires, and now to PVC plastic peg sleeves. We went into it a little blind with the sizing of the PVC but we make it work.” – Mike Fede

Today we decide to take one of johns ideas for the will it ride series and give it a try. This is pex pipe for tires. Pex pipe is a form of PVC that is flexible. This was a lot of fun to do and we plan on bringing it back in the near future with some added ideas.

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