The other day, a heavy crew of riders invaded the streets of Dublin, Ireland for a full day of spots, good riding and good times. Check out this video giving you a look at what they got into!

Presenting the video version of events of the first Dublin street shindig of the year. “Down and Gritty in Dublin City”…
A few of us got together and decided that rather than sit in a skatepark getting burnt and bored or lamenting the scarcity of people to go street riding with on a bank holiday Monday, we’d assemble the troops and do something a little different. With a loose plan and a handful of spots, we decided to put a jam together.
Starting just north of the ever murky river Liffey, we weaved our way across the inner city and hit some of Dublin’s better known spots. As the day progressed, the vibe became better and better and everyone got on and got into the spirit of things.
Riders from Belfast, Wicklow, both sides of the Liffey, a Hungarian, a Brazilian, a Texan and a relic from Tallaght came out to join us.
As you can see, no fun was had.
Major thanks go out to the Boardroom, BMX and Skate Shop, for hooking up some great prizes and also to Coilin Garvey and Nathan Moore for sharing some footage with me. Much appreciated.
Music- Bit of Fugazi, bit of LCD Soundsystem… lovely stuff.
” – Sheils

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