
Effraim Catlow coming through with the goods from a single flatland session…

We’re always stoked to see what Effraim Catlow is getting into over in the U.K. Here’s a look at a video he whipped up from a session he was able to get in recently that went from just a session to filming a bunch of combos to make a full edits worth of riding. Take a peek! You won’t be disappointed.

It’s been a long time coming, three years in fact since my last edit with Ollie Denny. During that time, I have been battling injuries off and on the bike, it’s been hard to get any rhythm. Ironically I just crashed on my roadbike a few hours before we filmed this.
Matti Hemmings popped down this past weekend, and quickly turned from “Let’s get a few tricks” to “might as well film an edit Effraim?”. In one session I did 7 combos I was pretty happy with, the ender though got corrupted. So That will have to wait for the next project.
If you listened to my interview with Scott O’Brien you will have heard me talking about this idea of releasing EP’s before the LP. let’s call this the One Session EP.
Thank you Matti Hemmings for taking the time to film in this “One Session” edit.

Tune: Mr Brown – The Time Stealer.”

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