Empire BMX – Steven Hamilton Is Freestyle

When Empire BMX drops us a link to a new BMX video, we know it’s going to be good. When it’s a new Steven Hamilton video, we know we have to hit play the second it loads. Watch as Steven shows you how to ride some spots that a lot of you might roll on past, and just how having a set of brakes can make for some real dialed clips on those spots you might not even try and ride. There’s also an interesting message from Tom at Empire that was in the description, which might open your eyes to the unfortunate side of the circle of BMX that we’ve been seeing lately. Either way, hit play and enjoy. This doesn’t disappoint!

America 1992

BMX is dead

BMX bicycle sales have reached an all-time low. Large factory teams are a thing of the past. Only a very small number of professional riders remain. Of these riders, only a few receive money from sponsors. A sport that once had five monthly magazines now has one. Contest arenas that were once crowded with spectators are now made up of only the most dedicated riders. Professional freestyle exhibits are nearly non-existent. Many bike shops no longer carry 20” bikes and accessories, because in their eyes, “BMX is dead” – Eddie Roman “Ride On” (1992)

Sound familiar? Dry your eyes, player. The cycles of BMX are as predictable as they are inevitable. The barren sands of 1992 yielded a harvest of unparalleled creativity and progression, and the reins of BMX were snatched from the stiff hands of bloated corporate corpses from sea to shining sea. Capable and driven individuals and crews like The Condor, Mad Dog, Homeless Bikes, Rick Moliterno, and an elite group of other visionaries fed off of their strong wills, DYI ethos, and love of BMX, deftly laying the path for a generation to come.

To us, Steven is a shining beacon of hope in these turbulent waters, if you will, the hero that BMX needs in this time of confusion and tense unrest. He is a consummate trick technician, with unparalleled spot awareness and a unique style that none can imitate. It is our honor to present this video to you. Enjoy it, and sleep well tonight knowing that while the gravitational pull of change cannot and should not be stopped, Steven will always be standing tall as a bulwark against apathy, despair, and gross style. lol.“

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