Sam Baskett sent through another batch of clips from crashes and fails that he collected over the past few years for you to check out. Much like Epic Fails Compilation Part 1, we get a ton of BMX crashes, along with a few randoms like roller blades, mountain bikes and more. Take a peek!

When I said I have recorded a lot of fails, bails, crashes over the years, I wasn’t joking, Here is montage 2, another 10minutes of brutal crashes and epic fails, for your entertainment. No one died in the filming of these crashes, plenty of lumps and bumps, but awesome memories. Like I said before, I always see crashes as Epic attempts rather than epic fails. But I know most people see it as fails, so that’s what ill call it. Episode 3 needs a few more fails and it will be uploaded soon. I don’t go out purposely wanting crash footage, but in my line of work and the things I do and film, crashing is always part of the game. thanks for watching and hope you enjoy” – Sam Baskett

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