
Fairdale dropped a new video featuring Taj!

It’s always a good day when Taj Mihelich‘s name pops up! Although this one is mountain biking, it’s still Taj! Here’s a video Fairdale Bikes dropped where we get some perspective and riding from Taj on just what two wheels does for him.

Mountain biking is so much more than vertigo inducing GoPro footage, life threatening speed and laser guided seat posts. I love that my bike carries me away from the noise of the world and out into the peace of the woods. I always feel a bit uncomfortable when I realize I work in marketing (I blame formative years listening to Bill Hicks) so I have done my best to be sincere in what I do. This is how I really feel on most every ride. I hope this inspires you to get out into the trees and take some deep breathes.

Thanks to @loganpatricknelson for helping me try to share what I love and thanks to @fairdalebikes for the Elevator ride out there.” – Fairdale Bikes

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