Focalpoint – Sam Tormey F#ck Cancer


It always sucks seeing a younger rider going through something as rough as cancer, but it’s good to see that BMX still keeps them happy and motivated despite not having the best cards dealt. Cooper Brownlee caught up with Sam Tormey who is going through treatment right now and was able to film some clips for this short but sweet edit. Definitely want everyone to send Sam good vibes so he can keep the sessions going for years to come!

Every now and then you come across someone that really puts life into perspective. Sam Tormey is 16 and is dealing with cancer. This is not something anyone should have to deal with, let alone a 16 year old kid. Last week Sam came out with Polly and I, and we rode a few parks for the day. He hit me up to film a few things and this is what came of it. The strength and positive outlook this kid has on life is an inspiration and something anyone can feed off. We all have problems in our lives but the day-to-day drama really gets pushed aside when you meet a person like Sam. The fact that BMX gives him motivation and enjoyment during the shit he is going through is just another testament to how good this lifestyle is…

FUCK CANCER.” – Focalpoint

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