Spain has been a hot spot for quite a while now for more than obvious reasons. The For The Lads crew loaded up recently for a 7 day trip there with no money, no place to stay and really no real plan. This video gives you a look at how the trip panned out. All I’m going to say is everyone should go on a completely unplanned trip like this at some point in their BMX career. You won’t regret it.

7 days in Spain, a tramps budget and nowhere to stay. Oh! and balone…
This trip could of gone so, so wrong but as always the motto was “it will all work out…” and ended up being one of the best trips if not the best trip i’ve been on. Here’s what we managed to film between a week of sunburn, blown up wheels and bill growing a second shin, thanks to Bill, Isaac, Nicky and Matt for being the best dudes to travel with!
Filmed by everyone
Edited by Luke Duffy
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