I made my way over to the Tree Bicycle Co. booth to see what Sam was up to and to take a look at what he had on display. As always, Sam brings plenty of unique and well designed products to the table, so let’s get a closer look!
Sprocket guards have been starting to pop up more and more again. Here’s a look at the new guard that fits the Tree sprocket.
They’ve also got front and rear hub guards to fit their Straightpull hubs.
Sequoia bars.
The new traditional topload stem that I believe is out now.
The Collet stem is available in front and top load versions with plenty of color options.
Straight Pull Hubs!
The Lite, Original (bolt and spline drive) and 4130 Heat-Treated (bolt and spline drive) sprockets.
Stunt stumps, trick sticks and Balsa pegs!
The Ergo seat and the new fat version with more padding!
That wraps up the Tree Bicycle Co. booth. You can find out more about Tree and their products by visiting their website — TreeBicycleCo.com. You can have your local shop here in the U.S get you all of these items by hitting up QBMX!
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