
Just before things got weird and everything got shut down, Paul Tholen and a few friends loaded up for a road trip to a few different parks and trails to enjoy some spring sessions. Here’s a video from the trip that’s loaded with some great riding and good vibes. If you weren’t itching to go on a road trip with your friends yet, this will definitely put you over the edge. Take a look!

Just before the lockdown Paul Thölen and his homies hit the road to ride some bowls and trails throughout Germany. Here’s what went down.

This trip should actually be two weeks long and take you through France and Spain. Because of the situation, we decided in the short term to take a trip through Germany instead. Good decision, because just one day after the start of the journey, various borders were closed.

However, this corona crisis had one good thing and Jan Lemke was able to accompany us because the school is dropping across the country. So the tour group consisted of Alessandro Izzo, Gabriel Goldsack, Jan, Thade Gerdawischke, Paul Thölen and me.

Despite the stressful situation, everyone was highly motivated, after all the weather was finally good again and Germany also has a lot of good skate parks and bowls to offer.

The following spots were scanned in the order mentioned: Bowl Dülmen, Apollo Rampe Düsseldorf, Northbrigade, Lohse Rampe, Bowl Wilnsdorf, Chesyland.

Since we had actually planned to travel to Munich, we didn’t spend too long at the respective spots and mostly drove two parks a day. Fresh from the winter, of course, that was pretty good!

We slept in cars and tents. The premium place of the trip was definitely the bowl in Wilnsdorf. There you could camp almost directly at the coping.

After four days we have arrived in Chesyland. This is the private training area of ​​MTB pro Max Mey. This area is littered with jumps, which are more suitable for larger tires, but there were also two lines for us.

There, too, you could spend the night right at the jumps, including the fireplace. So the last two days of the trip consisted of shoveling, BBQ and cycling.

Then unfortunately it was said that all parks and sports facilities had to be closed and we made our way home for better or worse. The two-week trip was over after only 6 days.

Still, we had the best trip you could have had in these circumstances. Thank you guys!

The clip yield was unfortunately not that high because we had much less time than we thought. I hope that you still like the video and entertain a little into this funny time!

Text & video: Max Thölen” – Freedom BMX