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Global support for Kyle

You may have already seen on some other sites, but Just recently Kyle Guidice fell victim to what seems to be a serious coma.

Its a terrible situation that I was notified further about through my dude Tyler Hanlon… I’ve spoken to Tyler numerous times on AIM before the incident and when he hit me up today about the situation, it all clicked together in my head and I realized that Kyle was his cousin. This is a terribly sad situation and I’m happy to see that a lot of people, shredders and non-shredders, all around the world are coming together to support Kyle during all this. For once I see that there is still good in people at a time like this, I visited The Come Up today and there was even little to no bad mouthing on there. I was literally surprised… So, please keep supporting Kyle and keep the good words, thoughts, prayers, any and all forms of positivity coming… If you didn’t happen to read Tyler Hanlon’s email that was posted on The Come Up, its posted below…

“yoo man, my name is tyler o’hanlon.. im from central new jersey. my cousin kyle guidice, was recently put into a coma. i know you dont know either of us, but we both ride bikes, pretty much everyday of our lives. and i love the kid to death but the doctors said he needs a miracle to wake up, because he showed no good signs within 24 hours of the coma. his myspace is , kid shreds. he never gives up on anything, wether it be on his bike or any other situation.

im not asking for any sympathy or money or anything, just asking if you could maybe post up a picture of him or something on the come up.. and ask people to pray. because he needs it. i know he always talked about going to the banks one day to ride with all you dudes and spam might remember him a bit.

sorry if this is just considered a spam email to you but he needs a miracle to live.. and i just want people to pray. thanks a lot for reading this, itd mean pretty much the world if you posted this up.. sorry if this shit sounds gay but i love the kid and he got me into bmx.”

Get up and out of that coma and shred that bike!!

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