Gorge Road Trails Closing Down and Moving


The legendary Gorge Road Trails will be closing down and finding a new home…

Above is a news article that Anthony Napolitan shared about the legendary Gorge Road Trails closing down and having to move to a new location due to the city of Queenstown needing the space for infrastructure. It wasn’t a decision that was taken lightly and the city and everyone involved with the trails are actively working on a solution in the form of a new spot that they can re-build / build a new spot that is equally as incredible. We’ve seen hundreds of videos from the place and countless riders have hopped a plane to New Zealand specifically to ride this place, so the city understands just how much of an asset this place is for the community. We had heard some rumors about a year or two ago that eventually the trails would need to close down, but figured it was just a rumor or it wasn’t anything coming up soon. The time has come and they’ll have to relocate. We have a feeling Gorge Road 2.0 will be even more incredible.

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Tags: Gorge Road