Want to learn how to change a flat tire on a BMX bike? Here’s how it’s done!

Here’s a video showing you step by step how to fix a flat tire on a BMX bike with plenty of tips and examples to help you get it done right. This video, produce by GT Bicycles takes you through everything from the tools to every step from loosening up the nuts to removing the tire, replacing the tube and re-installing your wheel. If you are new to BMX or just need some help, this video showing you how to change a flat tire on a BMX bike is exactly what you need to watch. We would like to also note that some of the steps aren’t always applicable to every BMX bike, like removing brakes if you are brakeless or using a piece of wood to help tension and align the chain if your bike is equipped with chain tensioners for example. Regardless, this will definitely help you fix a flat tire on a BMX bike and get you back to riding in no time.

Need a new tube? Any BMX shop or mail-order like Source BMX will have you covered! Just make sure to get a 20″ BMX tube!

For the children and the dudes just getting into BMX. Learn how to remove and fit bmx wheels, remove tires and safely check for damage before re-installation. You will also learn all you need to know about bicycle tyre information and more. All work should be completed by someone that is competent with tools and mechanics, if not, always find an adult or local bike shop who can assist.” – Our BMX

NOTE: This post contains affiliate links and we could receive a small commission that supports this site if you were to purchase a tube from Source BMX or from the Amazon links above! We would never recommend a product unless it was quality.

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