
The crew at Freedom BMX coming through with an upload from the Inkyo Tokyo Street Jam! Any time you see footage coming from the streets of Japan, you know you’re going to see something rad. The scene over there is always progressing and definitely have their own unique style and everything. Based on the footage, they had a real solid turn out and everyone had a good time during the late night cruise.

This is TOKYO! This is the INKYO JAM. The official lockdown ended just a week ago in Tokyo. Fortunately, the lockdown wasn’t particularly hard here. You could go street driving at any time and the streets were particularly empty these weeks. The population largely followed the government’s recommendation to stay at home – including us. After all the virus lockdown crap (that’s certainly not over yet !!), it was time to call the Tokyo BMX scene together to finally go riding, drinking and going crazy.

The BMX core scene in Tokyo revolves around two well-known neighborhoods, most of which you have heard of: Shibuya and Shinjuku. While Shibuya is rather good for shopping, partying or showing off the latest trends from Harajuku, Shinjuku looks much dirtier, more dangerous and more adventurous. Known for its notorious clubs, bars and the red light district Kabukichō, which Yakuza undermined. These two districts have been the meeting point of the BMX scene in Tokyo for more than 20 years. If riders come into town from outside to do BMX or skateboarding, they will most likely start in Shibuya. There are a lot of damn good drivers on the streets of Tokyo, and nobody has heard of them. They will surely run into you if you ride your bike or board in Shibuya or Shinjuku at night.

BMX street or skateboarding in Tokyo mainly means being out at night. During the day there is a zero tolerance policy in this city, mainly because of the large number of people who move around in certain areas during office and business hours. It feels like taking the city back for your own purpose at night after all the other people have just been led through this urban environment, as some city architects thought it up.

It’s really amazing how suddenly the streets are filled by BMX riders and skateboarders around 10 p.m. You can watch dozens of groups of them buzzing through Shibuya all night, taking over the entire concrete and steel environment to make them their creative playground.

In the early morning, the surroundings are then taken over again by the classic employees, who are walking in the regular, pre-planned paths. They don’t see a creative obstacle in the granite edge that they pass every day. You also cannot interpret the traces of last night. From pegs and skateboard axes, furrows when grinding and wax that left black streaks.

The INKYO JAM was initiated by Masa from 150S TOWN and intended for drivers of all ages and levels. It is particularly important for the organizers to motivate rookies, try new things and feel good among more established drivers. Everyone is a winner at INKYO JAM. It’s really about the basis of BMX: Spending a great time together and pushing each other to new limits.

It doesn’t matter whether you learn your first grind or combine all tricks with barspins. Everyone gets respect and prizes from the sponsors of the jam. Another goal of the organizers is to get Japanese brands more attention. Brands like ALIVEindustry, YELLbrand, RODIconnect and 150S TOWN are rider-owned and really come from the heart of the scene. The Jam is also about connecting cultures and carrying drivers from Japan and the Tokyo scene into the world.

The INKYO JAM really reflects the core of BMX: friendship, fun, commitment, motivation, inclusion and respect. It is the heart of our culture and a role model for everyone inside and outside the BMX scene.

@ inkyojam888 @ masa_150stown
@ 150stown @aliveindustry @yellbrand @rodiconnect

Yanjie Ma

Filmed, Edit & Text:
Peter Keller
@ Menschlabor.info”

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Tags: Freedom BMX