Jay Dalton VS Spencer Foresman – Game of B-I-K-E: Round 2


The other week we got to see the first round of Jay Dalton and Spencer Foresman’s Game of B-I-K-E, now this week we get to see round two where they go to work on some of the other parts of Woodward East they didn’t touch in the first game. As expected, this is hilarious and there are some creative tricks that go down!

Watch as Spencer and I once again try to take each other out by doing dumb tricks all over Camp Woodward.

The rules are the same as last time. Each person gets one set at each park (unless both fail their set). In this game we are only allowed to set at parks or locations that weren’t used in the previous game. Each person gets one mulligan and two tries on their last letter. Winner of the game gets a high five.”

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