Jed Mildon – The Worlds First Quadruple Backflip


Watch as Jed Mildon and James Foster went head to head to pull the worlds first quadruple backflip on a BMX bike! These guys both took some SUPER heavy slams chasing this one, but it looks like Jed was able to pull it off after quite a few attempts. Who remembers when Dave Mirra pulled off the double backflip for the first time? Kind of crazy to think this is two of those in one go, even though the Nitro Circus ramp is absolutely nuts and built for this kind of trick. Watch him do it right here!

Some of you might recall that Jed pulled off the first triple backflip back in 2011 and James pulled one during a Nitro Circus show as well.

From our perspective, we’re stoked to see this trick done and we’re beyond stoked both of these guys were able to walk away without being seriously injured. We’re also all for having BMX popping up on peoples TV’s around the world and seeing kids become inspired to ride because of it and giving this sport some more main stream attention that it deserves. It’s awesome to see these guys pushing the sport in new directions and there’s no doubt this is just a stepping stone to the next craziest thing that we, as BMX riders, never expected to see happen.

What do you think about the Quadruple backflip? Are you stoked on it? Bummed on it? We want to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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