Jeff K. sits down for an interview on the Kanode Knows Podcast!

The latest episode of Kanode Knows from Bobby Kanode has arrived. This time around Jeff Klugiewicz sits down to talk about riding and his career, his creative content agency he’s running these days, what he has going on inside and outside of riding these days and more. Jeff has always been one of those guys that is always working on something rad and it’s awesome getting some insight into what he is up to these days.

Jeff K is a former professional BMX rider from Wisconsin who now runs a content creation business called Seeke Creative. He’s hosting the Legends of the Fall BMX contest/jam at the 4 Seasons skatepark this Friday! Go give them a follow and/or show up if you’re in the area!

Thank you for coming on da show Jeff! You’re a legend.” – Bobby Kanode

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