The latest Kanode Knows Podcast features Vinnie Sammon!
Bobby Kanode coming through with a fresh episode of Kanode Knows! This week is a good one since he catches up with the legend Vinnie Sammon to talk riding, stories from the past, what he’ up to these days and more! This is a good listen, so get on that play button!
“Pretty hyped on this one my dudes. Vinnie always seemed super intimidating from watching him as I grew up. Turns out he’s pretty dang nice and had a lot of good memories to share about the golden age of Animal and Skavenger, riding with Edwin, traveling, making enough money to live off of from BMX, and more. oh he also lives with Will Taubin
Vic Ayala’s wife has a GoFundMe Vinnie asked to share, go support right here!” – Bobby Kanode