
The one and only Ratboy sits down for an interview on the Kanode Knows podcast!

Back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, John “Ratboy” Wrigley came out of the Arizona scene with a style of street riding that was DECADES ahead of his time. After dropping a bunch of amazing video parts, he all but disappeared. Ratboy became almost myth like with everyone seemingly knowing his riding from the video parts, but having no idea where the guy went. Over the past few years we’ve heard bits and pieces about him, but Bobby Kanode managed to get him to sit down for an over 2 hour conversation covering everything from how he got into BMX on up to what he has got going on these days. There’s so many stories and history covered in this one. Get on that play button and check it out. Oh, and for good those unfamiliar with Ratboy, or just want to watch it again, we put his “Shine 3” section below!

Ratboy aka John Wrigley influenced your favorite rider’s favorite rider. From Arizona, he’s had one hell of a BMX career and he came over to my house to chat about it and watch some of his video parts. We cover everything from the beginning to present day. So hyped. This episode took 8 hours to edit going through and adding the footage we were watching and trying to match it up so cut me some slack and enjoy.

Ratboy is not on social media.” – Bobby Kanode

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