
You can always count on Kilian Roth and Alex Kennedy to produce! Here’s a video from some riding time these two got in at the House of Vans park in London! Hit play to check out a bunch of lines and combos these guys cooked up during their time cruising.

Pre-lockdown session with Kilian Roth and Alex Kennedy at the House of VANS in London.

When Kilian Roth was in London last autumn to work on his interview for Endless Magazine (more on this shortly), he of course stopped by for an evening at the House of VANS.

As is well known, there is a small but fine skate park in its vault – and one of the many advantages of being a VANS team driver is that you can even go there for a private session. And that’s exactly what Kilian did, but of course not completely alone, that would be boring, but together with Alex Kennedy. Here is your clip haul!

Video: Toby Goodyear (@ Tonash1)
Thumbnail photos: Eisa Bakos (@endlessmag)” – Freedom BMX

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