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Kink BMX – Saturday Selects: Dan Coller Titan Promo Raw


This weeks Saturday Selects from Kink takes a look back at Dan Coller’s Titan frame promo..

You can always count on Kink to come through with the goods with their Saturday Selects videos. This week, we get a look at part one of the raw clips and behind the scenes footage from Dan Coller‘s old Titan Frame Promo from last year. This gives you a look at some of the bangers, a few of the crashes and some of the unseen footage. Take a peek! We would imagine part two will drop next weekend!

Episode 20 of Kink BMX Saturday Selects brings us to a raw and un-cut look back at the clips that went into the making of Dan Collers Kink Titan Frame Colorway Promo Video Release, last year. Enjoy as Darryl Tocco continues his digs through the Kink archives!” – Kink

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