Categories: Interview

Larry Edgar Interview


Photo: Kyle Carlson

Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of riders that bring something very unique to their riding that really make them stand out. Whether it’s a crazy bag of tricks or style, there’s always that thing that burns a name into your memory. Over the course of the past year or so, Larry Edgar is a name that has been BLASTING his name into our memory with some of the biggest airs and a ton of style. Recently, Larry has been popping up more and more between contests and edits and was recently added to the Fly Bikes team, so we figured there was no way we could wait to get to know this guy better. Let’s see what he had to say!

Name: Larry Edgar

Photo: Subin Choi

Location: Rialto, CA

Sponsors: SE Bikes, Fly Bikes, Vans, Stay Strong, Ride 100 Percent, BCA Racing, Epic BMX

Years riding: 9

What was it that first got you into BMX? Any early memories come to mind?
When I was a kid, I used to cruise around skateboarding, but when I saw BMX riders going way higher, I decided that’s what I wanted to do.

You have been on SE Bikes for a while now. How are things going with them? Do you have any trips or cool projects in the works you can tell us about?
I’m so thankful to be a part of SE Bikes. So far, no big trips I know about, but we always have some cool stuff in the works.

The big news, you were added to the Fly Bikes team. How did that opportunity all come about and what’s your favorite part about being on the team?
I had a great group of people supporting me and throwing my name out there, especially Phu from Epic Bmx who got me in contact with Fly. My favorite part of being on the team is not only the solid products they put out, but the super talented riders I’m amongst.

Do you have any projects in the works with them at all? Trips? Videos (other than your welcome video that just dropped)? Anything like that?
Of course we do, but I have to keep everybody on their toes with some surprises.

How about Vans, Stay Strong, 100 Percent and Epic BMX? Any cool projects in the works with them?
I do have a trip coming up with Vans, but it’s on a need to know basis, haha!

Speaking of Vans, you absolutely CRUSHED it at the Van Doren Invitational this past summer. What did you think about that contest?
I was so excited to ride in the Van Doren Invitational for my second year. I love that contest, especially since it’s in downtown Huntington Beach.

How come you didn’t ride the highest air contest? I was hoping to see you blast to the moon in that.
That day was so hot, and I was trying to stay hydrated, but ended up drinking a ton of water and started throwing up. Better luck next year!

Photo: Brian Johnson

Are you much for riding contests or is it just something you will do for fun when the opportunity comes up? Any plans on riding any other contests in the near future?
Anytime I ride my bike it’s fun. Contests are just bigger sessions with my friends. I have some plans to ride a contest in Russia in October, and I can’t wait.

A lot of the super stylish guys grew up racing or just developed their style over time. Where did all your style come from? Was it something you kind of learned or did it always just come natural?
The people I grew up riding with had a big influence on my riding style, especially Thomas Hancock. Ride in Peace

Who were some of the riders that you really looked up to growing up?
I really admired Thomas Hancock, Roberto Riviera, and Mike Aitken.

What about now days? Who are the guys you really get stoked to watch ride?
These days I still love to watch Mike Aitken who’s been my favorite rider since I was a kid, and also Dennis Enarson because his riding is effortless and he’s a great guy.

We saw that flat ground edit you filmed with Vital the other week. How the hell do you have that many tricks on flat ground? Is that something you practice or was that just messing around?
I guess it’s always a little bit of practice, but the filmer Kyle Carlson makes it super easy for me to just have a good time and see what we can get.

Speaking of tricks… What’s one trick you cannot do for the life of you?
No handed one-footers and crank flips.

What do you think you would be doing today if you never got into BMX?
Probably wasting even more money on cars.

What are you doing when you aren’t riding? Do you hold down a job or go to school at all or is it just the riding for now?
I used to have a job, but I’m blessed by all my sponsors and have the opportunity to focus on riding more these days.

So you’re pretty big into cars, too. What are you currently driving?
I daily drive a 1986 Toyota 4-Runner, but my toy is a 1993 Nissan 240sx.

I know there’s a lot of different “styles” like auto cross and drifting. What are you more into?
I love drifting, because I get to run my car into my friends’ cars, sideways. haha!

How does BC Racing Coil Overs come into play? You mentioned you get the hook up from them.
I’ve always loved their coil overs and they sponsor one of my favorite drifters, Ryan Tuerck. They were awesome and hooked me up with some coils for my Nissan.

Do you have a “dream car” at all or are you pretty content with what you have now?
I think everyone has a dream car! Mine is a Nissan Skyline.

Not to sound weird, but we noticed a photo on Instagram and you’re RIPPED. Do you work out at all or is it all in the genetics?
Thanks! I try to fit in workouts as often as possible between sessions. I also eat a lot of chicken.

Photo: Kyle Carlson

What’s something about yourself that might surprise people?
I drink at least 4 cups of coffee per day. Minimum.

What’s the last song you heard and movie you watched?
I have “Boyz In The Hood” by Easy E on repeat, and I’m not a huge movie watcher, but I just finished the TV series “Lost”.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I live my life pretty day to day and don’t really plan the future, but I know I’ll still be riding my bike!

How can people keep up with you these days?
You can follow me on Instagram @larry_edgar, or on Twitter @flair_b3ar!

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to SE Bikes for keeping me rolling, Vans and Jerry Badders for keeping me fresh, Fly Bikes for keeping me on a bike, Stephen Murray at Stay Strong for being such an an inspiring guy and putting a shirt on my back (literally), and Phu at Epic Bmx for always being such a big supporter of mine.

Anything else you want to say?
Thanks to The Union for interviewing me! I hope I can inspire other riders to stay on their bikes and keep doing what they love.

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