
We get a lot of requests for GoFundMe type projects that are usually pretty unrealistic in the goals or just what the person running it demands, and quite honestly we usually pass on them. Today, we got a message from our friend Pierre Blondel that we couldn’t pass up. The guys at the DIY spot, The Spot, in London are looking to raise £2,000 to help maintain and continue expanding the place. It’s a realistic goal and it’s for a great place that a ton of riders have had the chance to ride over the years. If you want, you can Donate Here! More details below…

The Spot London BMX FundraiserThe Spot London BMX Fundraiser

Our Skatepark known as The Spot in Tottenham London is globally well known. After being given the go-ahead from Haringey borough council and English Heritage Trust our 13 years of hard Grafting and private funding from its keepers has us very near the completion of this amazing place. With your help we can continue to build and maintain our beloved concrete paradise. We have no financial goals other than to keep our crew, The Spot Locals, knee deep in concrete, tools and equipment for the future. Thanks for donating.

You can Donate Here

The Spot London BMX FundraiserThe Spot London BMX Fundraiser

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