
Maciej “Sobek” Sobkowiak spent his summer stacking clips for this one around Poland and Barcelona. This video is loaded up with some real good riding and some real good spots. Plus, the filming and editing is on point too! Check it!

Finally, after official premiere on Polish Freestyle BMX Awards 2012 I can show you my first solo video. I’ve been waiting for a while, and I’d like to say that we had many problems in shooting this edit. But it’s not the time to excuse myself of shitty times. This edit shows a few days of summer and a few days of autumn which I’ve spent on my local, polish spots and some legendary in Barcelona. I owe this edit to Color Story group and some of my mates for doing the additional shooting: Piotrek Gaczek, Dawid Kaszubski i Maciej Piasecki. Huuuge thanks to you guys! ENJOY AND PLEASE WATCH IT IN HD!
Produkcja: Color Story – Wojtek Kozłowski, Michał Stefański
Strona: colorstory.pl
e-mail: info@colorstory.pl

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