Mark Taylor Power Hour at XC Skatepark

Here’s a rad one we had submitted today! Check out Mark Taylor opening up his real solid bag of tricks for a Power Hour at the XC Skatepark! Plenty of awesome riding in this, so take a look!

15 year old Mark Taylor ripping up XC Skatepark in Hemel Hempstead over the duration of an hour. Such control and variety of tricks at such a young age. Keep your eyes peeled for his long-term edit coming out soon!
(Change in lighting at the end is due to a 30 minute break for bike maintenance before the final trick – Cut him some slack he’s never even landed it on resi.

Sponsors: Scuffwheels Bike Store, Res Bike Co, Flume Clothing

Filming Setup: Nikon D3200, Samyang 8mm Fisheye, Opteka Grip” – Alex Aits

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