Merritt – “In Da 6” Greater Toronto Area Road Trip


Here’s one we’ve been waiting for since the teaser dropped the other day! Some of the Merritt team recnetly made a trip to Toronto to cruise the streets and stack clips on the spots with Ryan Navazio behind the lens and today we get a look at what went down. Although we expected more taser action in the video, this is an absolute banger filled with some damn good riding you’d be a fool to pass up on! Get on that play button and enjoy this BMX video!

Merritt American team riders Brandon Begin, Charlie Crumlish and Justin Care hit the streets of Toronto with their Canadian buddies Greg Henry, Eli Taylor, Joel Fortin and ChijIoke Okafo. The crew of shit disturbers crushed spots all over the Greater Toronto Area and produced this bad ass video. Shout out to Toronto ex-mayor Rob Ford for his support! Ya don’t wanna miss this one, EH!

Greg Henry @200_lb_greasy_italian_tank
Brandon Begin @brandonbegin
Charlie Crumlish @charliecrum
Justin Care @justincare
Joel Fortin @joel_fortin
Eli Taylor @eli_taylor
Chijioke Okafo @chijiokeokafo

Documented by Ryan Navazio @yo_navaz
Produced by The Navi Arm @the_navi_arm”

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