Merritt – O Canada, The “In Da 6” Promo


Hahaha, it doesn’t get much better than this! Ryan Navazio dropped this promo for the Merritt “In Da 6” video that’s dropping on Monday. This video features footage from a jam and a DIY spot the crew rode along with Ryan running around tazing everyone. This is good for riding and laughs for sure! Check it!

The Merritt crew hits BMXFU’s DIY “knife spot” and a Jam in Etobicoke with a taser. Be on the lookout for “MERRITT IN DA 6” trip video on Monday, August 31 2015

Greg Henry @200_lb_greasy_italian_tank
Brandon Begin @brandonbegin
Charlie Crumlish @charliecrum
Justin Care @justincare
Joel Fortin @joel_fortin
Eli Taylor @eli_taylor

Documented by Ryan Navazio @yo_navaz
Produced by The Navi Arm @thenaviarm”

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