
These Mic’d Up videos from Ride BMX are always hilarious, but it’s even better when you strap a microphone on Tom Dugan! This time around they had Tom mic’d up during the Socal Road Trip during a trails jam at Mike Saavedra‘s spot. As expected, plenty of laughs and swearing in this one, plus plenty of riding footage to see! Just incase you missed it, check out the Rockstar SoCal Road Trip video!

I met up with the Rockstar dudes during filming for their Socal Road Trip edit and decided to throw the ol’ mic on the one and only Tom Dugan. To be honest, I edited this a couple weeks ago and kinda forgot exactly what goes down. I do remember that there’s lots of cussing, Chase Hawk run commentary, and incredible amounts of randomness from the brain of Mr. Dugan.

Many thanks to Mike Saavedra and the whole Palms Trails squad…unfortunately this unique gem of a trail spot was torn down shortly after this was filmed.”

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