Mike Hinkens – Lost Leftovers 2012

It’s weird to think of how much footage that’s actually really good never actually gets seen… Luckily for us, Mike Hinkens decided to put together some lost, but now found, footage from some of his sessions in 2012 that’s quite good! Take a look!

While cleaning my computer off I found out 2 things:
1. 2012 was a great year for traveling and riding for me.
2. I rode my handlebars way too far back for a whole year.
It appears I travelled quite a bit right around 2012. So much so that I filmed enough to have completely forgotten about a full section worth of leftover clips. Though not my top riding, I am stoked on seeing stuff I like to do on a daily basis on spots in order of appearance:
Barcelona, Spain
Milwaukee, Germantown, Port Washington, Madison, Wisconsin
Detroit, Michigan
Chicago, Illinois
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Long Beach, California
Ripon, Wisconsin
Filmed by:
Grant Castelluzzo
Jeff Klugiewicz

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