Miles Rogoish Has Quit Stranger and Retired


Miles Rogoish Quits Stranger BMX Retires from professionally riding BMXMiles Rogoish Quits Stranger BMX Retires from professionally riding BMX

Today, Miles Rogoish has made a decision that we’re sure a number of you saw coming with all of the recent shake ups with Stranger coming. Miles has decided to quit the Stranger team and also just retire from professionally riding BMX. Miles has been a force in front and behind the lens for a number of years now, so it’s pretty wild to see this all going down. Below you can find his official words on the decision that he announced via Instagram.

As of this moment I am retiring from riding BMX professionally on my own accord. A decade of amazing times and paid trips were nothing less than a blessing… One day I will drop in with my kids and tell them how much BMX made an impact on my life. BMX took me out of the neighborhood I was raised in, or at least long enough to hide before the street lights came on. Today I bow out gracefully and wish everyone still biting the nickel to stay positive. Hope to see you all on the other side of my life term and friendship. No hard feelings is why I have made this decision, so thanks again to everyone that had my back, you know exactly who you are

Another big piece to the Stranger “No Hype” team that brought the brand back to life has left. That only leaves Eric Lichtenberger and Caleb Quanbeck from the original squad. Is this the last rider we’ll see quit? It’s hard to say. But, we don’t recall seeing this big of a shake up from a brand in quite some time. We’ll keep you posted if we hear anything more.

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