
Ronnie Bonner sits down for an interview on the Moore BMX Podcast.

There’s been a few double up podcasts lately, and that isn’t a bad thing. Ronnie Bonner recently did the Kanode Knows Podcast, and now he’s back for another round on the Moore BMX Podcast with Brant Moore. The first focused more on Ronnie’s past and how all of his businesses got started, and this one is more focused on all the events Ronnie has done, and what it takes to throw a good contest or jam, along with plenty of other topics over the course of an hour and 45 minutes. Ronnie has a ton of great stories and insights, making for a super good listen. Hit play and check it out!

Ronnie Bonner is a legend in the BMX world. He started the also legendary company UGP and hosted Roots Jam. Today he is the owner of Shadow, Subrosa, Shadow Riding gear, Rant, Juvee Hall, And Sparky’s. Ronnie has had a legendary career in BMX and isn’t done yet! Let’s learn more” – Brant Moore

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