
It has been a little while since we’ve had something fresh from Mutiny Bikes to enjoy, but it looks like the brand is firing on all cylinders again after laying low for a bit. Here’s a fresh video they dropped featuring Jeff Wescott, Robbo and Tom Russell cruising street and DIY spots, ramps and trails over in the U.K! Needless to say, this is packed with some great riding, good vibes and super clean film work. This is definitely a BMX video you won’t want to pass up! After you check this out, make sure you get a look at the new Mutiny Bikes website!

It’s been while since we had got some of the team together. It feels like even longer since we had new product… to celebrate the release of the new Comb frame. we sent Jeff Wescott over to ride with Robbo and Tom Russell. This video documents 10 days on the road with the guys. Of course being in the UK, the guys had to battle the rain and many other elements but when you are riding with your friends you’ve got to let the good times roll!” – Mutiny Bikes

Also, if you are curious what Mutiny has been up to as of late…

If you’ve been following us for any amount of time, you’ll have noticed that we’ve been a little quiet over the last 18 months. It’s no secret that the industry is in a bit of tuff spot. Which in turn, has effected our manufacturing and international distribution. Well good news, next month we’ll finally have new product starting to become available.

A huge thank you to Brandon Hoerres for helping making the new site.

We were founded back in 1998, from a deep underlying cynicism towards the state of the BMX industry at the time. Mutiny Bike Co. has been rider owned and run for almost 20 years. Independently owned and operated from day one.

Our goals for all of our products are to create the most durable frames, forks, handlebars and parts to help further the progression of BMX riding. All while creating aesthetically pleasing products with no gimmicks.
We are here to support BMX. From our team to your local scene, we want to make sure that BMX never loses it’s D.I.Y philosophy and keep BMX in the hands of BMXers.