Perfect timing! Mutiny Bikes dropped the brand new “Cool Story, Bro” featuring Matt Roe for you guys to enjoy. After you check that out, if you are wondering what these videos are all about, check out this interview with Rich Forne that dropped today as well!

On and off the bike this dude never ceases to amaze and inspire those around him. Liquid comes to mind when I think about Roey’s riding, it all looks so good and effortless. Get a little insight into the one and only Mathew Peter Roe.
“Monster Rally is the brainchild of 23 year old Columbus (Ohio) resident and Cleveland native Ted Feighan. Producing music that is sampled-based tropical pop, Monster Rally began with the goal of assembling a bunch of old records into a completely different beast. Feighan began crafting tracks from his collection of records, combining his interests in Hip-hop, Exotica, Tropicalia, and Soul. Monster Rally creates tracks that manage to maintain a surprisingly organic sound, as if they were recorded by a full band on analog tape. There is something inherently nostalgic about the sound” – Gold Robot Records.

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