
Patrick Kelly sent through this new one of Nick Krauer spending some time at a few different parks and spots around San Diego for us to check out. Going into it I was expecting some Celine Dion or something exceptionally terrible… But I set my bar so low that this didn’t sound that bad. Plus, Nick’s a real solid rider so that made it even better. Check it!

Nick picked the absolute shittiest song known to mankind for this edit. Like, if this song were a cat, it’d be the kind that relentlessly mauls your privates, pours Sriracha sauce in the wounds, then has sex with your girlfriend and asks “hey bro, are we cool?” afterwards. No bro, we are not cool, I never want to see your whore face ever again.
Make sure to tell him what a god-awful song this is in the comments.
” – Patrick Kelly

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