Nokia Pureviews – Athens with Jason Eustathiou

Here it is! The new Hadrien Picard video from Nokia Pureviews featuring Jason Eustathiou putting in work on the streets of Athens, Greece! Hit that play button and take in all the goodness!

After the italian Simone Barraco, the icelandic Anton Arnarson, our world traveler director Hadrien Picard continues his european tour of the best bmx riders and lands in Athens to meet Jason Eustathiou, the greek phenomenon. Far from being a simple touristic visit, our host accumulated kilometers of riding like others multiplicate danse sessions. Jumping in (almost) total freedom from spot to spot, creating new movement while riding forward but also backward (!), the young and promising Athenian seems to take us for a Zeimbekiko, this traditionnal greek danse you will probably feel possessing you while listening to the music of this short and delightful movie.

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