October Shred at Cottage Grove Bike Park


Remember a few months back where Bell Helmets held that contest to split $100,000 between 3 different places here in the U.S? The Cottage Grove Bike Park was one of them, and we just saw this video from a jam that went down there over the weekend. Although there isn’t much for tricks, this place looks amazing. I did spot a few Landon Anderson clips which kicks a ton of ass.

It was good to see so many riders of all ability levels tearing up Cottage Grove Bike Park last weekend for OktoberSHRED, a last minute Jam event put on by Chance and company.

The new jump lines are all built up and worked in and a ton of good riding was going down on all 3 of the lines. People were also sessioning the 4x and pump tracks all day as well.

The new jumps were built by FlowRide Concepts and local volunteers from MORC as part of the Bell Built Grant from IMBA.

“Get Up Stand Up (Featuring Brother Ali)” (by Public Enemy)” – Entice Media

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