This is rad. Here’s a look at what went down at the Open Dutch Championship stop at the Helm Trails. What I’ve gathered from this video is that the Helm trails are a public trails spot and there was a bunch of riders from some young guns to the older guys who all came out for the day. Holland is doing something right, that’s for sure. Check it!
“Results ONK 2013:
-13 Class:
1) Jocki de Groot
2) Jordy Burnhenne
3) Jarno Henraat
4) Noah van Stokkum
5) Rowen Driessen
6) Philip de Jong
6) Sylvano Verhoeven
8) Titamba Jansen
13+ Class:
1) Kenneth Tancre
2) Desmond Tessemaker
3) Dimitris Araouzos
4) Sven Grieten
5) Dennis Keunen
6) Daniel Wedemeijer
6) Tom Selbeck
8) Paul Thoelen
It’s a aftermovie of the ONK Bmx At the helm trails (The Netherlands). At 5 may 2013 there was a bmx championschip with nice weather, 25 degrees and a lot of sun with the burgers from Master Cheff Frits van der Linden. Thanks to all sponsors of the event. Video Filmed and Edited by Ryan Verhagen. Hope to see you all next year.“