Earlier this week we got a look at another teams Pedal Games video, which is the Russian version of the Ride To Glory contest where teams do challenges to get points. Here’s another one we had sent in and it looks like these guys had a damn good time doing challenges. Take a look!

Hug a security guard who is kicking you off the spot, change your clothes while cycling on a street, order food with a big BMX sticker on the forehead, fall off a chair on a crowded crossroad so your friend can hop over you on the bike, score a goal with a shoe kicked into a backpack and so on, to win Bmxashka’s Pedal Games and/or simply have fun with your friends who love the variety of BMX as much as you do.

This is one of the greatest Pedal Games videos and we hope you all will love it as much as we do.” – Schugorev Kirill

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