Categories: Interview

Photos: Nick Nogueira


Photo: Chat Sirichanvimol

We’re always on the look out for up and coming photographers that are producing some amazing photos. We recently caught wind of Nick Nogueira, who some of you might be able to piece together as the brother of Mannie Nogueira whose videos we post on the site regularly. The other day we got a sample of photos from Nick ranging from BMX to non-BMX commercial work he has done and we decided he was the perfect photographer for our Photos: interviews! We have a full interview with Nick giving you some insight into his photography work along with a new photogallery giving you a better look at some of his work! Ready? Let’s do this!

Name: Nick Nogueira

Location: Templeton, Massachusetts

Years riding BMX: 9

Years shooting photos: 4

What was it that first got you involved with BMX? Any early memories come to mind?
The first thing that got me involved with bmx was my family. Ever since the 1980’s BMX has been a passion of ours.

What about shooting photos? Was that something you did before or separate from BMX or is it something you got into because of BMX?
Yes, BMX was a major part of my choice of being a photographer. I always wanted the thrill of snapping a photo at the perfect moment.

What was your first camera setup?
My First camera setup was a Canon T3 with an 18-55mm lense and a Canon 430ex Speedlite.

What are you currently working with today?
I am currently working with a Canon 5Dmark3, a Canon 24-70mm L lense and a Canon 5mm f1.4 lens. I use all Profoto lighting, Pocket Wizard trancivers, a Lowepro x300 camera bag. I also use all Adobe editing software such a Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 5 and an Apple Macbook Pro.

Do you have a dream setup at all or are your pretty content with what you have?
Oh man! my dream setup is insane! It would have to be a Canon 1DMark 3 body with a Canon 70-200L lense and also a Canon 5DSR body.

Who were some of the first riders you had the chance to shoot photos of? We would imagine your brother Mannie Nogueira made for good practice?
The first rider I was able to shoot with is obviously my brother, Mannie. I’ve been shooting photos of him for the past 4 years and seeing him improve has been insane. I also shot a lot of photos of my Dad, Mike Nogueira, and a good friend of mine Jake Cormier.

Who are some of the regulars you are shooting photos with as far as BMX goes these days? Any favorite people you really like to shoot with?
The regulars that I am shooting photos of are Mannie Nogueira, Jake Cormier and Tyler Macadams

Who are some of the Pros that you have worked with?
I’ve had the chance to work with many pros such as Jake Seeley, Mark Burnett, Paul Barnum and a lot of the 90East crew.

Have you traveled much because of BMX and photography? Any memorable trips come to mind?
Sadly, I have never traveled due to BMX and photography, but I have a lot of shoots booked around the US this summer!

Do you ever get into weddings and stuff like that or are you pretty much more into commercial style work?
I have not had the chance to photograph a wedding, yet. I may have one in the works for a big wedding in Califorina.

What’s the weirdest thing you have ever been asked to take photos of or for?
Haha, oh boy! I once got asked to shoot naked photos of a friend of mine for his girlfriend for Valentines day! I denied the job offer, haha.

Is photography your only job or do you work another job to help pay the bills?
Right now my only job is photography. I am looking for a quick part-time job just so the bills can get paid, though.

Who are some of the photographers that really inspired your work early on?
I was always really into Fat Tonys work! He’s such a talented dude and I enjoy looking at his work. I also am very inspired by Gary Lands. His work is insane and just awesome to look at!

What about these days? Any photographers that you are really into?
I am really into the work of my mentor, David Turner. David’s photographs always catch my eye and make me want to know more about them! I am still a huge fan of Gary Lands work! I also am very into Greg Heislers work, he has always inspired me to create awesome photographs! Finally, I am into John Huetts work as well!

It seems like every photographer has their own “style”. What would you say yours is? Do you feel like BMX has played part in your style when shooting photos of other things?
Yes, that is true everyone claims they have their own style including me. I feel my style is edgy and impactful. I feel like my photographs draw the viewers attentions to the main subject and leave them asking for more! Yes, BMX has played a huge role in my style by capturing the split second that the trick is being done or when a rider is at their peak point in a trick.

Let’s say you got a big fat budget to take 5 riders anywhere in the world for a week to shoot photos. Who would you bring, where would you go and why?
Man! 5 riders!? They would have to be Mat Hoffman, Sean Sexton, Stevie Churchill, Tony Hamlin, and Jake Seeley. I would take them to Barcelona. I love the whole scene there and the street spots and skateparks are really rad. I know I could come out of there with some incredible photos!

Where do you hope to take your photography in the future? Any big goals you’re hoping to accomplish?
I hope to take my photography to a whole new level. I hope to start producing photographs people have never seen before but have always wanted to see. I have a bunch of goals but my main one right now is to get on PDNs (Photo District News) Emerging top 30 under 30 photographers. It has been a goal of mine for awhile now. I still have quite a few years until I am 30, so I feel as though if I contiune to work hard I will make it!

What kind of advice do you have for the people just getting into photography or looking to start?
My advice is never give up! If you love photography do it and don’t let anyone stop you! When I told my friends in high school that I was going to photo school they all laughed and said it was a waste of time and money. I never once doubted my choice and I continue to stay hungry for photography and I will never lose that feeling.

How can people keep up with you these days?
People can keep up with me 3 ways!
Website –
Instagram – @nicknogueiraphotos
Facebook – Nick Nogueira.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
I would just like to give a shout out to my family and friends who never gave up on me and pushed me to become the photographer I am today! I would also like to thank the whole staff at Hallmark Institute of Photography — The photography school I just graduated from — If it wasnt for you guys my work would not be any where near as good as it is today and I would have no idea how to run a successful buisness!

Anything else you want to say?
One last thing… Never ever give up on your dreams wheather it is photography, baseball, golf or anything else. Put your 110% in and you can make anything happen! Believe me. I did it and look where I am now!


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