Issue 15 of The Albion drops TODAY! This cover was designed by Jefferey Bowman, which you can find out more in an interview that they dropped with him right here! These should be hitting shops in the U.K and U.S shortly and those of you with subscriptions should be getting them in the mail as well.

The Albion Issue 15 – release date August 1st 2013.

Cover artwork is by Jeffrey Bowman


Colts – Eric ‘Ewip’ Whitescarver
Colts – Freddie Househam
Whatever Happened To Lard? – Photography, Madness & The Cosmic Chuckle
Standing Tall – Josh Harrington In The Far East
Mildly Aggressive – Ben Hittle
Eternal Optimists – Villij, Epsom and Brighouse
The Pursuit Of Happiness – Éclat In Hong Kong
Survivor – Troy McMurray“

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