Rii Projects – Western Canada Trip

Damn… Talk about going all out. After 4 years of constant pain and agony from health problems, Mitch Anderson was finally healthy enough to get out on the road and ride all over Canada! Check out this video he put together from the riding and good times he had off the bike. This is how it’s done!

The compilation of a 6 week self funded road trip across western Canada to celebrate regaining health and successful management of chronic crohns colitis, which left me disabled for several years.

blog: http://riiprojects.wordpress.com/
Instagram: mitch_anderson01
Facebook: riiprojects

After 4 years bed ridden with constant medical care I started working towards becoming physically active again. after 2 years of hard work my health started to regain. I sold everything I could, jumped in my favorite car (a beautiful 1986 Porsche 911, modified by Rii Projects) grabbed my bmx and took off west! With no plan but to ride my bike, meet old and new friends, and experience as much as possible. It was a great success and I hope to find funding to head out east before the winter!”

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