“Roc Bottom” – Friends Section and John Bechtold

DIG keeping the sections from the “Roc Bottom” video flowing. Check out the friends section followed up by some heavy clips from John Bechtold from skateparks, street spots, backyard ramps and more!

Every scene video needs a good friends section. Roc Bottom’s features familiar names Dan Coller and Pat Quinn, a bunch of riders complete with great nicknames like Bubs, Red Beard, Young Spot Spotter, Louie 2 Coatz, and a rather loose and wild John Bechtold to close it out.

“This section starts off with Bubs, the kinda guy to grind the rail on top of the rail you’re checking out. He goes for it and takes it too. I Think from what I was told he filmed all this on a borrowed bike from Nick Spath? Next up are some of Rochester’s finest. First time I watched this my jaw dropped when I saw young Tanner do transfer into the DK vertwall. Jayden goes high as fuck as well. This section involves just about everyone we rode with during the filming of the video.John Bechtold just goes insane and starts jumping off some huge shit! Dude’s got balls. This section also gets you ready for Phil Demattia/Tony Hamlin’s section next, which is a pure treat.” – Matt Smith

Filmed and edited by Dave Raffa”

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