Scotty Cranmer has been stacking followers on his Youtube channel like crazy lately. It looks like he has already hit another milestone, which is 600,000 followers and that means it’s time for another challenge. Since the original plan didn’t work out due to Vinny Mannino being injured, Big Boy decided to step up and try a tuck no hander flair for the first time. Here’s a look at what went down!

OMG What a week! We have officially reached 600,000 Subscribers! We made the announcement during the 550,000 Challenge that Vinny Mannino will be taking on the 600k challenge and attempt the front flip over the spine that he broke his foot on 2 years ago. The very next day Vinny did a tail whip over the pool in the obstacle course challenge and he broke his foot again! So with our back against the wall someone had to step up and take control and the Big Boy decided that he was man enough to do back to back challenges! Big Boydecided that he was ready to try a flair trick variation so he called himself out on a no handed flair! He has never done a flair trick before and he hasn’t done a no hander air either! INSANE! The whole crew was cheering him on and Big Boy took the scariest crash I have ever seen and after a minute on the ground he got back up and decided to keep it going in honor of our subscribers! Seriously an amazing video that show cases the best part about BMX push the boundaries with the support of your best friends! Thank you to all our subscribers we are going to keep up these videos for you all and we are going to keep these challenges coming as long as you all keep watching the videos!

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