
Scotty Cranmer decided it was time to test the crew’s high air skills on a quarterpipe…

What happens when you challenge Scotty Cranmer‘s crew to a high air contest on a quarterpipe? Things are bound to get wild. Here’s a look at what happened when the guys set the bar and tried to see how high they could send it. You better believe things got up there and real interesting until a slam shut things down. Check out what went down!

We did our first ever quarter pipe high jump competition at my skate park! The boys were having so much fun seeing how high they could jump their BMX bikes. Big Boy even did a flair over the high jump! At 4 1/2 he Matty attempted to go over the high jump and he lost control of his bike and it said him straight to the ground on his shoulder and his head.. It was the worst crash I have ever seen him take. He couldn’t breathe and it was scary but thankfully after a couple minutes he was able to get back to his feet like the tough guy he is!” – Scotty Cranmer