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Shadow X Subrosa – Simone Barraco “Kisses”


Simone Barraco giving you a smooch!

It’s always a good day when Simone Barraco has a new video to check out! Here’s his latest for The Shadow Conspiracy and Subrosa Brand with 4 minutes of Simone bringing his signature style to spots galore. As expected, Simone delivered with the bangers making for a Must See from the streets of Barcelona that you won’t want to miss!

Filming for kisses was a lot of fun… planned few last minutes low budget trips to get me out of Barcelona with some homies, bikes and a camera and just either met with locals or just went on our own exploring the city and have a good time… no pressure or rush about anything just riding and filming what we felt good about… I mostly enjoy kissing spots nowadays so here it is a little collection of KISSES combos from this first part of my year! biggest thanks to all my homies involved and all the locals we met for helping me make it happen and for making it such a fun easy process! LOVE U” – Simone Barraco

From the idea to the details Simone Barraco created this project around Kisses himself. He had a vision from the start and pulled it off. He came to us with a concept and the art and we worked together to get it done. When you combine his creativity on and off his bike with his passion for BMX you get Kisses.

We are stoked to present this project and appreciate Simone for the hard work on Kisses.”
Shadow Conspiracy & Subrosa Brand

Filmed by
Giacomo Di Carlo
Samyo Pereira
Moritz Nussbaumer
Luca Nosella

Edited by BCNKILLS

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